Thursday, November 13, 2008

Technology is using us?

Computer systems of the McCain and Obama camps as well as the White House were hacked during the campaign by Chinese computer hackers. The hacker got into the private e-mail accounts of GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Later Newsweek reported that both Obama and McCain campaigns were also hacked into.
The incidents were later reported to the Cyber Defense agency, a private company that advises government hacking. They have determined that attacks originated in China. The government and American industry are spending billions of dollars to develop new products for the computers being hacked.
The Chinese when confronted were supposedly trying to start cyber war with the U.S., which coincides with cyber bullying. Both are ways someone uses the computer as a way to attack or bully someone else. Both cyber war and cyber bullying can be dangerous because once someone has access to your information it is hard to stop the person from using it against you.
This is also an example of negative CMC. People are able to access other people’s information and it can become dangerous. With the growing rate of technology, the more people have to be aware of their privacy. Social networks like Facebook and MySpace have become primary examples of various privacy cases where people find out that their privacy is being invaded. Technology is rapidly expanding in the world but many of us need to be aware of what comes with it. For instance, with social networks there is so much information that many of us provide for others to see and are not aware of everyone who views our page and information.
Often times, it is hard to believe how much our world revolves around technology. Technology itself is another world which we see through programs like Second Life. CMC allows us to keep up with current events around the world, keep close relationships with people far away, and find out information about almost anything in the world. Although there are many positives, there are negatives. Social networks like Facebook keep students from doing work as it is often used for procrastination, with the amount of information that can be given from the web comes the issue of (ethics) plagiarism, and privacy invasion is a continuing issue that occurs often for people who are apart of social networks and share their information. With the good and the bad, we are the web. The video The Machine is Us/ing Us, is a good example of this idea. We use the web/technology for everything and over 100 billion are said to use the web each day. If we are always on it and use it for everything, we are the web.

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